Friday, September 23, 2011

Date Night

Last Friday I had a date with THREE girl doggies - Sam, Mandy and Ginger! We went to the Champlin dog park. Here I am with some new friends...

And here I am trying to play fetch with Mom, but some annoying dog kept trying to take the chuck it away (in front).
And here we are on the ride home - do I smell wet dog??

The colors were even changing on the trail - I love Fall! Can you see that I snuck in the picture?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm a helper

Whenever Mom makes the bed I always join in to help. I love to jump in the center just as she is trying to tuck in sheets. My very favorite is to climb on the inflatable bed as she is blowing it up!
Gee, do you think there's a hole in this one?